Science Week June 2016
This week, at Welford On Avon Primary School, it has been Science Week. (Morgan). Read our blog to find out more.
On Monday, we were working on our 'Masterchef' topic (Leo). We baked bread, some groups added yeast and others didn't (Zac). The bread without the yeast was flat, it didn't rise (Cameron); it tasted sweet (James B). We also used our senses to explore lots of different breads (Ruben). I thought the bagel tasted the best (Max). Once we knew which breads we liked, we designed sandwiches (Noah). We tried to include different food groups in our sandwiches (Lavinia). For example, Fruit and vegetables, protein and carbohydrates (Lily). We also used our senses to explore different types of lettuce (Louie). My favourite lettuce was rocket because it was peppery (Jackson).
On Tuesday, we explored air resistance in PE (Reeve). When we ran holding a sheet we went slower (James S). We think this is why athletes don't wear baggy clothes (Ned).
On Wednesday, we explored water resistance (Tom). We found the best shape for diving down into the water was a vertical rectangle (Tom). We made boats and tried them out (Poppy).