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Welford-on-Avon Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

A huge welcome to the summer term. 

The team consists of Mrs Hobkirk, Mrs Tuci and Miss Matthews, our teaching assistants. 

This final term of the academic year will get off to a flying start with a trip to Cross Hands Quarry where the children will consolidate and deepen their knowledge of rocks and soils.  During the summer term, there is lots of exciting and memorable learning planned for the children, including an Ancient Egyptian curriculum day. 

Please look at the Summer Curriculum Overview for more information about the curriculum and the learning that will be taking place in Year 3 this term.   

Please support your child with their learning by listening to them read at least five times a week and recording this in their reading records, and also supporting them with their homework.  We thank you in advance for all your support.  We look forward to working closely with you this term, as together as a partnership we can help your child to achieve their very best.   

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or concerns.