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Welford-on-Avon Primary School

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Admissions to Welford on Avon Primary School

Warwickshire residents applying for a school place at any point must apply via Warwickshire’s School Admissions Team who will liaise with the parent’s preferred school. Non-Warwickshire residents should apply to their home authority who will liaise with Warwickshire. If a place is available this will be offered by Warwickshire School Admissions or the home authority. The advantage of this system is that a consistent process is applied to all applications. It also ensures that the Local Authority are able to track children from vulnerable groups, that the information presented at School Admission Appeals is accurate, and that schools receive credit for admitting children where they fall under the In-Year Fair Access Protocol.

Contact details for Warwickshire School Admissions Service:
Telephone: 01926 414143

      All children accepting a place will start school at the beginning of the Autumn Term in September.                This will be the only general admission time for the school year. There is a limit of 30 children per                year group entering the main school.

Admission Criteria

  1. Children living in the priority area who have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission.
  2. Other children living in the priority area.
  3. Children from outside the priority area who have a brother or a sister at the school at the same time of admission.
  4. Other children from outside the priority area but nearest geographically, as the crow flies.

This applies equally to those living inside and outside the county border.

This is the official admission policy for schools and classes in Warwickshire. All queries relating to eligibility and priority area should be directed to the Admissions Department as detailed above.

Parents will be given a formal offer of a place in April. 

The standard number for our School per class is 30 pupils.

We have a Foundation stage of education, which includes Nursery and Reception, two Key Stage 1 classes and four Key Stage 2 classes. All children are taught as individuals and according to their own needs.

For more information on school; admissions, appeals, secondary schools and much more please click here: